
CAD (Computer Aided Drafting)
one- to three-year program
This course offers students an introduction to the basic principles of drafting techniques, object visualization, the application of math concepts, CAD applications, and a foundation for all levels of engineering. During the second year, students construct 3-D and solids drawings, as well as assembly drawings. Third-year students will explore an introduction into residential Architecture. Upon completion, students may earn a NOCTI credential or certification through ADDA. (The pass rate for 2023 was 100%.) Dual enrollment is available.
Technology of Robotic Design
one-year program
Students engage in the study of computers and microprocessors and their applications to manufacturing, transportation and communication systems. Problem-solving activities challenge students to design, program and interface devices with computer systems. Learning activities include robotics, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing and design and control of electromechanical devices.
Engineering Explorations I
one-year program
Students examine technology and engineering fundamentals in relation to solving real-world problems. They will investigate engineering history, examine related specialties and participate in hands-on projects.
Analysis & Applications II
one-year program
Students learn to apply the engineering design process to areas of the designed world, explore ethics in a technological world and examine engineering systems. Students participate in STEM-based, hands-on projects as they communicate information through team-based presentations, proposals and technical reports.